Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Morning

Robert was so excited to come down the stairs and see what Santa had brought him.
Jonathan wasn't quite up, when Robert was ready to come down. So he got to wake up a little more laying on the couch while Robert checked out what Santa brought.
Just what he had been asking for, more Kitchen toys. Santa doesn't wrap gifts in our house, so it was fun to watch him move from one Santa gift to the next. We were up for a while before he actually openned a wrapped gift. He had to play with his Santa gifts first.
The boys also got each other gifts. Robert picked out this cute black and white dog for Jonathan. And Jonathan loves it. Robert wanted to get him a panda bear, but we could find one so he settled on a "panda Dog". We decided to call him Panda.

The wonder of Christmas so nice. Watching my Three year old get into Santa, and helping pick out gifts for others. Even Jonathan got into the gifts, mostly the wrapping paper. And he would let me put bows on his head, which Robert won't. (Robert would even remove them from Jonathan's head when he noticed them.)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I love the Daycare. This year during the Christmas party for Robert's class, and most of the center. Santa came to visit. (It was the owner all dressed up, so he knew all the kids names too)It took a little persuading to get Robert to go up to him. But he finally did, and couldn't stop smiling. He even told Santa what he wanted for Christmas, more Kitchen toys. (He loves to pretend to cook.)
After Santa visited all the classroom, he got a chair and had the kids come sit on his lap. The other owner was taking pictures of each child too for the parents that couldn't come. (I have two pictures so far, but still need the one of Robert alone that they took.)
I even got a chance to go get Jonathan and get a picture of both boys with Santa. I will tell you this Santa was definitely more attractive and nice looking than the one we get at the local mall. (I decided these pictures were so good, that I didn't need to see the mall Santa).
I didn't get a picture of Jonathan alone, but like I said the owners took a picture of Jonathan alone. Santa acually visited Jonathan's class room another day. And they took a picture then. I will have to scan it in, and share it too. Jonathan definitely was not afraid of Santa.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Trimming the Christmas Tree

We took the boys to pick out a tree. I don't think that Jonathan care much about the tree, but Robert had fun looking at all the trees and decided which one to take home.
Robert couldn't wait to get home and start decorating it. I am thankful I have lots of non-breakable ornaments that Robert could put on the tree.

I even have paper mache balls for Robert to place on the tree. And in true 3 year old fashion, they were grouped all together on 2 or 3 branches. Of course since it is real tree, it didn't have the strenght to hold as many ornaments as he wanted to put on one branch.
In the end, I loved having the ornaments done by Robert. And can't wait until next year when he is bigger and placing them on more of the tree. We had so much fun, and to my great surprise Jonathan slept through it, so I got Robert time. (For those that don't know Jonathan is not the best of sleepers.)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I took Robert to Disneyland, with my best friend and her Daughter. We left Jonathan home with Grandma. This was not Robert's first trip to Disneyland, we took him when he was 18 months old. He love it then too. Not to mention the trip to Disneyworld last spring. (Yes, my son is as big a Disney fan as his mom.)
Robert loved playing with the Sword in Fantasyland while we were waiting for Jenny and Katelyn to return from the potty.
The kids loved meeting Mickey. Robert had to introduce Mickey to his Teddy Bear, Oski. Actually Oski came on several rides with us too. We also got to meet Pluto, Clarabell, Eyore, and Pooh. My child is definitely not scared of the characters.
Robert even got to go on his first Roller Coaster ride. Gadget's GO Coaster in ToonTown is a nice little kids roller coaster. And like his mom, he was quiet on the ride but had the biggest smile. And now when I ask what his favorite ride was he answers, the roller coaster. With Pirates being a close second.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow in Beaumont, Texas

So in a rare event it snowed in Beaumont, TX. I
loved watching it snow last night, it was so peaceful. This morning, my husband woke up Robert to go play in the snow. He was very unsure of it. He did not want to walk in it at all. But once we started building a snowman, he was excited. We even took Jonathan out to see the snow.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Big Boy

Jonathan had his four month check up yesterday. He is growing like a weed. He now weighs 16 lbs, 12 oz and is 26.5 inches long. He has gained 3 lbs 10 oz since his two month check-up. He is also sitting up unassisted for a couple of minutes and finally rolled over tummy to back last week. He talks and laughs all the time, and loves to "play" with big brother. Jonathan also eats cereal and sweet potatoes, and loves both. Now if he would just sleep through the night.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving at Grandma's

This year we when to my mother-in-laws house
for Thanksgiving, although we did Christmas as well since they live in North Carolina, and we live in Texas and my sister-in-law lives in CA.

Grandma has set up a playroom for Robert. He loves that Grandma has toys for him. This picture is in the play area. The fact both boys are at the table is pretty special. This table was my mother-in-law's when she was little, both her kids played at it, and now her grandbabies are playing at it.

Here is Robert helping make cut out cookies with Grandma. She got him Dinosaur cookie cutters. He has so much fun baking. He keeps asking me when we can make Dinosaur cookies. So I guess this year, our Christmas cookies are going to be more Dinosaur cookies than Christmas shapes.

Jonathan got his first taste of Thanksgiving foods,
baby style. I gave him baby sweet potatoes for the first time on Thanksgiving. He loves them. While he was eating them, he started to laugh that really fun deep belly laugh. It was nice to share that with my sister-in-law.